
Be able to provide customers with non-standard integral hard alloy cutting tool set solutions, especially suitable for automotive parts, hydraulic valve body products manufacturing processing, products cover majority of rotary rod-shaped tools, such as: drilling, milling cutter, reamer, thread milling cutter, gun drill and so on.

Drilling Tool

It can provide a complete series of Φ1.5 ~ Φ32 spiral, straight groove, three edge and other non-standard drill bits

Drilling Tool

Milling Tool

Can provide Φ2 ~ Φ32 series of non-standard milling cutter, as well as Φ1 ball head, taper milling cutter

Milling Tool

Reamer Tool

All series of non-standard reamers above Φ3 can be provided, including some step reamers, reamer accuracy can reach ±2.5um

Reamer Tool

Forming Tool

Can provide multi-step forming tool, more than two steps, Angle, arc and complex forming surface set on a tool, improve the processing efficiency.

Forming Tool

Thread Tool

Can provide Φ6 thread above milling cutter class

Thread Tool

Deep Hole Drill

Can provide aluminum alloy, cast iron in 15 times the diameter of the deep hole drill, processing steel parts of the deep hole drill is currently providing grinding services, after grinding life can maintain the same as the original new knife

Deep Hole Drill

Gun Drill Grinding

Can provide the grinding service of imported gun drill, grinding life can keep the same as the original new knife

Gun Drill Grinding

Rail Machining Tool

A full range of tools for diesel rail can be provided, including step drills, milling cutters, reamers and thread milling cutters, with tool life of more than 1000

Rail Machining Tool